Preparing for the holidays as only fiber folks can, with special deals from tons of indie designers in the Indie Design Gift-A-Long. And this year La Visch is one of the participating designers!
What is the Gift-A-Long? It’s a multi-designer promotion to help you kick your holiday gift-making into high gear.
The Indie Design Gift-A-Long is a 2-month long KAL/CAL (Knit-A-Long/Crochet-A-Long) of holiday gifts made from patterns designed by a rather extensive list of independent designers. From 13 to 21 November 2014 tons of indie designers will be discounting between 4 and 20 of their patterns 25% for this event. You can read all about the details in this post on Ravelry: click!
Not a member yet of Ravelry? Join! It’s free and totally awesome.
Once you’ve got your Gift-A-Long patterns, you can join a relevant KAL/CAL in the Indie Design Gift-A-Long group. For example, if you are making a shawl, join the shawl KAL/CAL to be eligible for prizes. To join, simply write a post in the KAL/CAL thread of your choice, including the pattern name you will be knitting and a link to your project page. KAL/CAL participants are eligible for lots of lovely prizes but you gotta post to win!
KAL/CALs will run from Thursday, November 13 at 8pm (US-EST) through our New Year’s Eve party, Wednesday, December 31 at midnight (US-EST). In other words: plenty of time to knock out all your holiday knitting and crocheting.
There will also be games, tons of prizes, great conversation, and a lot of fun, so pull up a chair and join!
Stay tuned, because I will also be posting interviews with some of my fellow Indie designers the upcoming weeks.
Other things to keep in mind:
- Please use #giftalong2014 to tag your social media-ing!
- Please only share your Giftalong projects with the Gift-A-Long group