Here you can find the library of knitting and crochet stitches and stitch patterns. The various stitch collections can be found below in both picture and text link format.
Knitting stitches
Crochet stitches
Knitting – knit and purl
- Knit the knits and purl the purls
- How to work the knit and garter stitch
- Knitting rick-rack rib
- Rick-rack rib in the round
- Left slanting diagonal rib
- Right slanting diagonal rib
- Seed stitch
- Moss stitch
- Double moss stitch
- Pebble stitch
- Spiral stitch
- Stockinette ridge stitch
- Corrugated rib
Knitting – eyelet and lace
- Double lace rib
- Small Shale
- Little V lace
- Bamboo lace stitch
- Grand staggered eyelet stitch
- Fountain stitch
- Quatrefoil stitch
- Staggered eyelet stitch
- St. John’s wort stitch
- Poollehekiri half leaves
- little bells stitch
Knitting – single special stitches
- Working the ptbl stitch
- Bunny Ears YO stitch
- Working a purl 1 below (p1b)
- Working a knit 1 below (k1b) stitch
- Working the knit 1 under loose strands (k1 uls) stitch
- Left twist in stockinette
- working the knit 4 below (k4b) stitch
Knitting – Estonian stitches
- Working an Estonian 3-into-3 star stitch
- Estonian lace knitting – nupps
- Estonian lace knitting – gathers
- 7 into 9 gathered stitch
- Poollehekiri half leaves
- Estonian button stitch
Knitting – stitches from the Japanese knitting stitch bible
Knitting – bobbles
- Working a bobble from 3 rows below
- Alternating bobble stitch
- Tiny bobble stitch
- Berry stitch
- bubble stitch
Knitting – slip stitches
- Herringbone stitch
- Bamboo stitch
- Slip stitch diamond
- Hexagon stitch
- Linen stitch
- Slip stitch basket weave
- Slip stitch rib
Knitting – twist and cable stitches
- Working a Left Twist
- Working a Right Twist
- Crescent stitch
- 4-stitch cables
- The honeycomb cable stitch
Knitting – misc stitches
Crochet – basic stitches
- Chainless starting double crochet (csdc)
- Tutorial foundation single crochet (fsc)
- Tutorial foundation half double crochet (fhdc)
- How to work foundation double crochet (fdc)
Crochet – stitch patterns
- Introduction to Slip Stitch Crochet (SSC)
- Working reverse single crochet (aka crab stitch)
- Stripes in crochet
- Crochet the Solomon’s knot
- Seed stitch crochet
- Crochet the bullion stitch
- Crochet the Star Stitch