dutch knitting festival 2019 Zwolle

The Dutch Knitting Festival Zwolle is the most popular knitting and crocheting event in the Netherlands. There will be more than 80 exhibitors, inspiring guests from the world of fiber crafts, over 30 classes and workshops, free yarn tastings, and demonstrations, and, of course, lots of opportunities to knit and crochet together. Perfect for inspiration-filled days with and among like-minded people. And parking is free!
At the upcoming edition in the IJsselhallen in Zwolle, on October 11 and 12, 2019, there will again be a surprising program. And I’ll be teaching a workshop on Friday the 11th on fixing mistakes in your knitting!
Fixing Knitting Mistakes with La Visch
You are knitting happily along when suddenly you notice it: a mistake in your knitting, 5 cm down in your project! Ripping it all out is a waste of time, that’s why you will learn in this workshop how to correct mistakes while the project is still on your needles. You will learn how to pick up fallen stitches (in the middle and at the edge of your work!) and how to correct a decrease or increase. You will also learn a good approach for repairing mistakes in a lace or cable pattern. If you have a project in time-out with such an error, do take it with you! In that case, a cushion in a light color and a pack of pins is also handy to have.
This workshop is suitable for a wide range of knitters; we all make mistakes when knitting. To get the most out of this workshop, it is, however, advisable to have already completed some knitting projects. These do not have to be very complex projects, but experience with simple decreases such as k2tog and ssk/skp, increases such as the yarn over and m1 as well as with simple lace knitting is useful.
For more information on this workshop, visit the workshop page (in Dutch) on the Dutch Knitting Festival website.
Early bird tickets for admission and this class are available through the workshop page from July 24th, 19.00 (GMT+1).
Will I see you at the Dutch Knitting Festival Zwolle? Do let me know if you plan on visiting. In case of questions or remarks regarding the workshop you’re, of course, also welcome to contact me. I’m very much looking forward to seeing there!
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