In previous tutorials I already showed you how to work a Right Leaning Lifted Increase on both knit– and purl-side of your project. The knit-side version of the Left Leaning Lifted Increase, we’ve also covered. This one is usually named Left Lifted Increase with the abbreviation LLI. So, now it’s time to focus on the purl-side Left Leaning counterpart! The purl-side version is called the same, only with “purl” added after it. Left Lifted Increase (Purl) with the abbreviation LLIP.
You may remember it from before: A lifted increase is an increase that you work from a stitch below the one next on the needle. To work this stitch, lift it to work into it.
Materials used
Yarn: * Paintbox Yarns Simply DK, a good value, good quality 100% acrylic yarn, here in the color 128 Lime Green.
Needles: * KnitPro Zing Fixed Circular Needles. In this tutorial, I used the 4 mm (US 6) size with a cable length of 80 cm (32 inches).
Working a purl-side Left-Leaning Lifted Increase step by step
I’ve made a little swatch, continuing the same one from the previous tutorial. And since this increase is worked on the purl-side, I’m knitting this bit in reverse stockinette.

1. To make the increase a left-leaning one, we have to lift the left-side of a stitch unto to the needle to work into it. This means we will work the increase 2 stitches below the last stitch knit. In other words: You’re not looking at the stitch below the loop on the right-hand needle, but the one below it. I’ve indicated this stitch with the tip of the third needle pictured below.

2. To start, insert your left-hand needle from bottom to top into the second horizontal purl bump below the last worked stitch on the right-hand needle.

3. Next, place the lifted stitch on the left-hand needle…

4. …. wrap the yarn around the needle as you usually would to make a purl stitch …

5. … pull the yarn through the stitch …

6. … and complete the stitch by slipping the worked stitch off the needle. You have now increased one stitch.

The below picture shows how the left-leaning lifted increase looks after 2 more increase rows. The first picture shows the purl-side, the second the knit-side. Increases are worked 2 stitches in from both garter stitch edges.

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